My “Friday Favorites” just became a “Saturday Roundup” because yesterday just came and went. It was a good, fun, and productive day and one where I found myself thinking a lot about September 11, 2001. I remember I was sitting in the basement of our new home in Lake Bluff, writing thank-you notes for gifts we received for our second baby who was just about to turn five months old (I was a little behind).
I had the Today Show on and watched in real time what was happening in New York City. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing and was afraid for what this meant for all of us. But what I saw in the weeks and years that followed that horrific day was a strength, unity, and a kindness in our country that I don’t think I’d ever seen before. My hope for us is that in this time of uncertainty, coming out of a year filled with all the sh*t 2020 has thrown our way, we’ll be able to tap back into those things that made our comeback from 2001 so strong. That’s what I’ll be praying for any way.
On that note, here are a few of my favorites for this week.

Lake Forest Open Lands Bagpipes & Bonfire on Saturday, September 19: Every September, Lake Forest Open Lands hosts one of the best events of fall–Bagpipes & Bonfire. Because of the pandemic, they’re unable to have it this year. But instead, pipers will appear throughout Lake Forest to play Amazing Grace simultaneously at sunset (about 6:30 p.m.) creating a magical, mystical moment to bring our community together in a time when we need this camaraderie. Their hope is that you will walk out the door of your home or gather from a social distance at one of the piper locations in your neighborhood to enjoy the majesty of the moment and let this inspire you throughout the year as you create your own memories in Lake Forest Open Lands’ nature preserves. There are opportunities to contribute to Lake Forest Open Lands to celebrate this event. Click here for the details.

Beacon Place: For the last several Fridays, I’ve been spending my afternoons helping Beacon Place with their grocery distribution plan. Beacon Place is a community center in southeast Waukegan with programs for kids and adults. It was established in 2012 by a group of dedicated and inspired individuals who recognized a significant need and decided to do something about it. Somehow, Beacon Place has organized itself in such a way that volunteers can work onsite safely, whether it be in a food program like I’m helping with, or the educational tutors that assist their students. With so much need, it’s wonderful to know there is place nearby where you can make a difference. Click here for more information if you’d like to volunteer.
Bite Beauty Power Move Creamy Matte Lip Crayon in Nonino: It wouldn’t be a week if I didn’t tell you about a fun new lipstick. Here’s another from one of my favorite clean beauty manufacturers, Bite Beauty. These crayons are amazing in their staying power and keeping my lips hydrated. This color Nonino is perfect for fall and I have a hunch it’s a nice universal color for brunettes, blondes, redheads, and everything in between. It’s a deep plummy pink that will complement the colors in whatever you’re wearing and promises to look stunning under a mask!
Happy happy weekend, friends. And at at the risk of being super annoying, Go Irish! I can hardly believe Notre Dame football is actually happening today!