What’s for Dinner this Week: 7.29.2024

With none of my boys home for dinner for this week, Annie and I have made this the “girl dinner week.” We promised my husband who is still home that we’ll make it substantial enough for him, but girl dinners are so much more fun to make! Here are a few of the recipes we made and loved:

Cheeseburger stuffed sweet potatoes

Sheet-pan roasted veggies with Trader Joe’s chicken meatballs (we just roasted the veggies we had on hand–brussels sprouts, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, and red onion) and cooked up the Trader Joe’s meatballs for our protein

Skinnytaste Korean chicken breasts

Sheet pan lemon chicken feta

Next week, we’ll be back to more of our guy friendly meals but this was a fun experiment!

Did you cook up anything fun this week?


My name is Ann Marie Scheidler and I'm thrilled you've decided to check out my blog. I'm a pearl-loving yogi with a thing for travel, a weakness for beautiful bags, and a passion for storytelling. In this space, I'll be sharing stories about my family, go-to recipes, my wellness journey, fashion and beauty favorites, and my love for Chicago’s North Shore. I find new inspiration wherever I go. Thanks so much for coming along for the ride!

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  1. Mary Catherine Ragen wrote:

    Hi Ann Marie,
    I’m a former St Mary’s teacher.. taught Joey and a couple others I think.. almost 40 yrs have passed.
    Congrats on blog. I NEED THE PJ’s link. Desperate! 😝
    Mary Catherine (Murney) Ragen
    Mrs Mcnultys my SIL

    Posted 8.24.24 Reply
    • Ann Marie Scheidler wrote:

      Let me know which PJs! Happy to send to you!

      Posted 8.25.24 Reply