Zucchini Lasagna & This Week’s Recipes

Hello friends. This is my first official post on my new website. Let’s go! While I’m still working out the kinks, I’m worried if I don’t start posting again, I never will! So thank you for hanging in there with me as I figure out this new space. Technology continues to try and get the best of me, but I am determined to show it who’s boss! Ha!
In the meantime, here’s what I will be making for dinner this week.
Monday: Chicken Noodle Soup Bake from my favorite Mom/Chef A Life From Scratch
Tuesday: Salt & Lavender’s Creamy Taco Soup
Wednesday: Pumpkin Chili
Thursday: Zucchini Lasagna
Friday: We’re having dinner with some dear friends at Guildhall in Glencoe. I can’t wait!
That’s all I have for now. Have a great week! And thank you so much for checking out my new blog design. It’s a work in progress…but we’ll get there!
Ann Marie 

My name is Ann Marie Scheidler and I'm thrilled you've decided to check out my blog. I'm a pearl-loving yogi with a thing for travel, a weakness for beautiful bags, and a passion for storytelling. In this space, I'll be sharing stories about my family, go-to recipes, my wellness journey, fashion and beauty favorites, and my love for Chicago’s North Shore. I find new inspiration wherever I go. Thanks so much for coming along for the ride!

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