Right before all of the graduation fun started in my house this spring, I had my first MOXI Laser treatment at Lake Forest’s Erase Medispa and I loved it. I was recently talking with a friend who also had it done and we both agreed that our skin just looked so much better and brighter after it. I’m re-sharing this photo above because it was taken about 10 days after I had MOXI done and I feel like you can just see how healthy this treatment made my skin. I noticed that today is the last day Erase Medispa is offering $100 off MOXI, so I thought I would give you a quick run down about what it is and how it works in case you want to make an appointment. (Erase Medispa will honor this deal for appointments made today for a later date.)
What is MOXI?
MOXI is a fractional laser treatment designed for people with mild skin concerns that revolve around tonal or textural issues or for anyone who is looking to be proactive in their cosmetic health journey. It is “nonablative,” which means it does not remove any tissue from your face through sheer force.
How does MOXI actually work?
Through gentle pulses of fractionated laser energy, MOXI disrupts surface skin cells, causing the body to remove them itself and replace them with new ones. This process also triggers the natural healing process, which floods the area with excess collagen and elastin, helping to smooth out any scarring or textural irregularities.
The result is brighter skin with a reduced amount of blemishing. While MOXI can be performed as a standalone procedure, it is often used in between more extensive laser procedures as a maintenance option. (I had BBL done earlier this year to help with some aging spots and sun damage.) MOXI is also very popular for “prejuvenation,” a new approach that focuses on preventing signs of aging and skin decline before it happens.
How long is an appointment?
From start to finish, just under an hour.
What can I expect at my appointment?
When you arrive, the aesthetician will apply a numbing cream to your face, neck, and chest–whatever areas you are having treated. You will then be asked to sit with this on for 20 minutes so the numbing cream can do its job. Once you’re ready, the aesthetician will roll the MOXI laser tool over your face. While it doesn’t have the sting that the BBL laser does, it does grow gradually hotter. But even at its hottest, it was never to the point where I needed her to stop. Once the MOXI is finished, the aesthetician cools down the skin and then applies a repair cream all over.
Is there any downtime?
Erase Medispa tells you to give yourself five days to “recover” from this treatment and this is spot on. You’ll absolutely want to lay low on Day 1 as you will look like you have a terrible sunburn. But within 12 hours, all of this redness goes away. Then, for the next four days, your skin feels like sandpaper. It doesn’t look dry but it feels very dry to the touch, making it almost impossible to wear any makeup. However, before you leave your appointment, you can purchase the Skinceuticals Epidermal Repair Cream and this is a game-changer. You can apply it throughout the day, whenever your skin feels tight and it makes it feel so much better. It’s not greasy at all, so it didn’t bother me not to wear makeup like I usually do.
Do I need to have MOXI more than once?
Erase Medispa does recommend having a series of three treatments, although I swear you will see a difference after just one. I haven’t been back for another, but I’d like to go again before summer is over.
Is it safe to have MOXI in the summer?
Yes! Unlike other laser treatments, Erase Medispa will do this treatment in the summer. As always, they will encourage you to be careful in the sun post treatment.
How much does MOXI cost?
MOXI is $550 for the treatment. Erase Medispa does routinely offer specials, like the one that ends today for $100 off the treatment. Full disclosure: Erase Medispa offered me this service for free in exchange for my honest review.
How do I make an appointment?
Just call Erase Medispa to make an appointment. Kara did my treatment and she was awesome! You can reach Erase Medispa at 847.234.4300.
I hope I’ve answered all of your questions, but feel free to message me or leave a comment here if you have others.
Photo of me by Jenn Marie Creative & Co.