My Packing List for Greece

This trip to Greece has been years in the making. Annie and I started talking about it in 2019 when she turned 16. It was always this fun, kind-of hypothetical fantasy trip until the pandemic hit and it felt impossible. Once we came out of that, I just felt that taking this trip was so important. I know that I’ll have the chance to make more money, but I won’t necessarily get the time where Annie and I can make this happen. So it feels very special for lots of reasons.

The only thing that I know for sure is that it will be very hot in Greece next week. So I’m only really packing breezy dresses, skirts, and swimsuits. Here’s what will be in my carryon.

Basket weave dress // Eyelet nap dress // Blue khaki stripe dress // Sunglasses // Yellow sundress // Necklace // Earrings // Swimsuit // Coverup // Hat // White tee // Beach sweater // Orange skirt // Pajamas (available locally at The Lake Forest Shop) // Flip flops // White eyelet sleeve tee // Blue skirt // Straw tote // Tennis shoes // Sports sandals

Thanks for letting me share this all with you! I can’t wait for this trip!


My name is Ann Marie Scheidler and I'm thrilled you've decided to check out my blog. I'm a pearl-loving yogi with a thing for travel, a weakness for beautiful bags, and a passion for storytelling. In this space, I'll be sharing stories about my family, go-to recipes, my wellness journey, fashion and beauty favorites, and my love for Chicago’s North Shore. I find new inspiration wherever I go. Thanks so much for coming along for the ride!


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  1. We are wondering wrote:

    We (several friends) enjoy your writing and discussing posts from time to time.
    Would you please add a comment that lets readers know when/how/if you are being compensated (in any way) for the recommendations you make on your blog? Do you buy the clothes (full price) at the places you mention? Are the restaurants and hotels paid for by you or are they “comp’ed”/discounted?
    A couple of friends were discussing whether you get to “stay for free,” at places, or get “free clothes and products” because of your writing. If that is correct, your reviews might be biased bc of the freebies. It would be good if we knew that when reading as it makes a difference for us. Thanks.

    Posted 7.24.23 Reply
    • Ann Marie Scheidler wrote:

      Hello! I will absolutely make this more clear in my posts. Generally speaking, I purchase all of my own clothes and makeup. I’m compensated through affiliate links if you decide to make a purchase based on my recommendations. In the coming weeks, I will be recapping my trip to Greece where I did partner with some of the hotels in exchange for an honest review of my stay. I will make note of the places where this applies. I hope this is helpful. My goal is to always to create content that you can trust.

      Posted 7.26.23 Reply