5 Things I Do Every Day

Brrr. It’s sure cold outside, but I do love being stuck indoors to get caught up on some much needed writing!

Last year when I launched my blog, I posted a list of the things I do every day. Given that this month is all about the “reboot” in a year I’m committed to be “focused,” I decided to update that list and simplify it a bit. (Also, it goes without saying that I tell my family I love them daily but didn’t list that here.)

Here are the five things I do every day:

  1. Make my bed. My husband and I have the “last one out makes the bed” rule, but it is always made before the two of us start our days. And we make our kids do the same. They never go to bed in an unmade bed.
  2. Yoga! I started practicing at Forever Om in Lake Forest three years ago and it’s been life changing. My goal is to go every day and when I don’t…I miss it. I love the workout, the teachers, the people who practice with me, and the sweating!! People who have never been often say they don’t want to try because they don’t know the poses. I knew nothing the first time I went and had nothing but an old beach towel to practice on. But I parked myself in the middle and just tried the follow the people around me the best I could. The Forever Om community is so incredibly welcoming and the teachers cue their classes with such care, my nerves disappeared right away. Now my only worry is that I’ll never get my handstand. I think that’s a pretty fun worry to have.
  3. Dust and mop my first floor. My husband makes such fun of this, but it brings me such peace to know that the floors and all visible surfaces are dust free. Before I head out the door for the day, my counters sparkle and my floors are shining. I’m sure no one else notices, but it sure makes me feel good.
  4. Check my calendar and make a list. Even though I spend most of my life in the digital world, I still have a paper calendar where I keep track of my family and work. (I love, love the Day Designer if anyone is interested!) I also have a notepad nearby and keep a running list of my to-do’s or anything we need from Target or the grocery store. I even have an emergency pen that I keep in my car door for that impromptu list making that might have to happen right then and there.
  5. Put on my lipstick! I could be wearing my PJs and a quick lipstick application makes everything better. And the brighter the lipstick, the brighter the day–I promise there is a correlation. My current faves: Laura Mercier in “Clique” or Beauty Counter’s “First Date.” You’ll be tricked into thinking it’s warm outside.

My name is Ann Marie Scheidler and I'm thrilled you've decided to check out my blog. I'm a pearl-loving yogi with a thing for travel, a weakness for beautiful bags, and a passion for storytelling. In this space, I'll be sharing stories about my family, go-to recipes, my wellness journey, fashion and beauty favorites, and my love for Chicago’s North Shore. I find new inspiration wherever I go. Thanks so much for coming along for the ride!

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  1. Judy Powell wrote:

    Amazing AnneMarie! You and I have the same fetish’s!!! I love my yoga classes at Body Electric. Thx to Lindsay, who signed me up a month after moving here! Some days I attend 2 OR three classes?!? As well, I love clean and shiny floors and counters and still get on my hands and knees to make them sparkle! Bed must be made even if it gets done just before bedtime! AND, lipstick ?, A MUST! Never a day without it, no matter what or where I am! And, regardless of what “they” say, I wear dark colors even though I’m in my 70’s! That’s just some of our commonalities Love your blog and love you and your family!!!

    Posted 1.31.19 Reply