So Many Things, Vol. 5

A very pretty street in Paros.

Hello everyone! I have been so bad about posting this month. Ever since Annie and I touched down from Greece, we have been on the run with all of the end-of-summer/back-to-school stuff. Between getting my kids squared away for the fall and my work and volunteer posts heating up, these last few weeks have just flown!

Today, the first of Annie’s high school friend goodbyes began. One of her best friends since fourth grade is heading to TCU on Friday and this morning was the last time they’ll see each other before she leaves. No matter how many kids I have go through this, it’s always so hard to watch. I always think as moms we feel what our kids do times 10. Then you heap the feelings I have about these kiddos on top of that and it’s pretty much one of the most painful things ever. But as my mom often reminds me, this was the goal! We don’t really want our kids to be living with us forever (although, right now, I’d be okay with that). It’s all part of the process. So needless to say, I’ve been feeling extra emotional these last couple of weeks. I’m really missing the days when everyone was home.

But any who…

I feel like I owe you all a little life update since I have been pretty MIA lately. Here are some things that have been happening over here.

  • Summer wellness update: Well, I have had to put a pin in this one. I’m surviving over here…not really thriving! While I’ve been able to maintain my daily yoga and 10,000 steps, I’ve mostly been living off of red licorice. Ugh! I have been trying to right the ship this last week and trying to avoid most processed foods. I most definitely will be revisiting all of my healthy/un-healthy habits after everyone is back in school. Stay tuned.
  • Dorm shopping: I feel like we sent our Leo off into the world with almost nothing, but Annie has been saving ideas from Pinterest and TikTok for her dorm room which has made getting her room ready so much fun. In case you missed it, here is my go-to college packing list that I updated with items I bought for Annie.
  • Picture pillow: Speaking of dorm room decor, I ordered Annie a little treat that I’ll surprise her with next week (Don’t worry, she’ll still be surprised. She doesn’t read my blog!). A college counselor told me years ago that what freshmen miss most are their pets. Annie doesn’t have a pet, but she does have a Jimmy! I ordered her a throw pillow with her younger brother’s picture on it. It’s supposed to be in the shape of the photo I sent, which should make it very huggable. Ha! We’ll see. Not sure how sketchy this website is, but in case you’re interested, here’s a link to the website.
  • Yummy high protein dessert: Grace and I have been making this dessert lately and it’s been satisfying our over-active sweet tooths. I like this so much better than the cottage cheese “ice cream.” The texture of this “bark” is a winner.
  • Cute readers: Last month, I had a Swedish eyeglass company reach out and ask me to try some of their readers. They told me to pick out two pairs and I just so happened to pick out frames with the same names as my girls–Grace and Ann. They are so stylish and well made. And they are now 30% off!
  • Skincare tune-up: I went to see Kara at Dr. Terrasse’s last week for dermaplaning. It is the best way to freshen up your skin after all of the summer sun. If you haven’t tried this yet, here is a post I did about dermaplaning last year. It’s completely painless and just makes all of your products sink in and work so much better.
  • Summer TV: We have been binge-watching a few shows that we’ve really enjoyed: The Morning Show Season 2 (season 3 comes back September 13), The Bear (so good and set in Chicago!), and Succession (we finished and really liked). On my list to watch is Quarterback and Underrated. Have you seen these?
  • New audiobook: I just downloaded this new book about Jacqueline Onassis called Jackie: Public, Private, Secret. It is really good! I have read so much about Jackie Kennedy and often wonder what new information could be out there, but so far, this book is delivering!
  • New pajamas anyone? Almost from Day 1 on my blog, I have talked with you about Printfresh pajamas. They have always been a favorite. They are such wonderful quality and are made by the most incredible company. Today, out of nowhere, they sent me two of their new prints and I am in love with all of the color. How cute are these hot pink ones and this multi-color robe (this robe makes me so happy!)?
  • Greece trip itinerary: I’m in the process of writing up my trip to Greece and just did a high level overview in case you’re thinking about planning such a trip. More details are coming…I promise!

Sorry this is such a long one. I definitely need to start posting more!

Until next time.


Disclosure: If you make a purchase through one of my links, I will make a small commission–almost as if I were your personal shopper. I appreciate your support!

My name is Ann Marie Scheidler and I'm thrilled you've decided to check out my blog. I'm a pearl-loving yogi with a thing for travel, a weakness for beautiful bags, and a passion for storytelling. In this space, I'll be sharing stories about my family, go-to recipes, my wellness journey, fashion and beauty favorites, and my love for Chicago’s North Shore. I find new inspiration wherever I go. Thanks so much for coming along for the ride!

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  1. Meghan Parent wrote:

    Great update! I’ve missed reading your updates the last while!. My three college kids head out in less than 2 weeks, and I was hoping this would get easier. In all of the feels..😢

    Posted 8.8.23 Reply
    • Ann Marie Scheidler wrote:

      It’s all the feels. I keep hoping I’ll get better at this. Good luck with your drop offs!

      Posted 8.9.23 Reply